Monday, August 16, 2010

I can't believe it's the middle of August of the hottest summer i can remember, time goes so quickly. Ryder is so big, he's 12 pounds 13 oz. He is so much bigger than Ruby was i can hardly remember. Ruby is so smart and funny, i was watching something on soap net and she told me she didn't want to watch all this drama!!Too Funny. She also told me something was very impressive, she is only 3!! I don't even know what to say about her.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Welcome Kayleigh!!

Ruby and Ryder are big cousins!! Kayleigh Maria was born on July 30th and she weighs 8lbs.
Her mom, dad and Big Sis Madison are so thrilled. They are all doing very well!!
This month has been quite a challenge for me, adjusting to a newborn's schedule. Ryder is a great baby but he likes to party some nights! He's grown a lot already, he's about 13 pounds. I think Ruby was 13 pounds at 6 months!
Ruby has turned 3 years old. She is such a big girl, it makes me sad. I just don't know where the time has gone. She is so smart and funny the things she says, she makes me laugh all the time. Ruby just got her big girl bed with tinkerbell sheets. She has manged 2 nights in it so far. The first night she was up 3 times, at 3 30 in the morning i was talking the baby downstairs and when i walked past her room she screamed Good Morning!! And i had to explain to her that it was so not morning and i was going to try to get Ryder to sleep somewhere else, so i sent her to daddy. I hope she starts to like her big girl bed soon!!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

It's been a while....

I hope everyone enjoyed the holiday. We had a nice time visiting with family and friends. Ryder got to meet some people and we brought Rubes to see the fireworks and after waiting over an hour, she had to go potty!! Of course while she was going the fireworks began and she missed half of them!! The heat really has been unbearable and i really cannot even remember the last time it rained. It does not seem like it's going to be any better until at least next week, maybe?
Ryder is so cute, he is doing really well, he is a very sleepy baby (during the day of course). He is a good baby. I love taking him on long walks and cuddling with him, he is a very cuddly baby. I made him a car seat canopy, the best thing ever for walks. Have a nice day, more posts to come.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Ryder has arrived!!!!!

Ryder Richard Heil has arrived right on schedule. He was born on June 11th at 11:31 a.m. He weighed in at a staggering 8 pounds. You see Rubes was 6 12 and she was 8 days late. So I was under the misconception that Ryder would be about 6-7 pounds considering he was born at 39 weeks. I was so shocked. It's really weird when you have a c section, i always call it the worst seat in the house. You are there all numb but aware and you need to find out all the play by play from your husband, the doctors and nurses. When they took him out, they said what a big baby and i am just laying there listening for a clue as to how big he actually is. It really is weird. The staff at St. Peter's Hospital was awesome as usual. They are such a great hospital to have a baby in. After Ryder was born, i had to wait in recovery for 3 hours until i could feel well enough to go see my baby. I got a few glimpses of him and got to touch him in the delivery room but i just could not wait to hold him. So then i finally got to go to our room and really see Ryder. He is so cute and sweet. He looks so much like Ruby when she was born. Ruby has changed a great deal, but she came out with black hair and similar expressions. It really is funny. I am one of those people who think that babies look like babies when they come out not really like family members or anything but he really does look like Rubes when she was born.
I was so excited for Ruby to meet Ryder, but she was much more excited to have a slumber party with Madison and Aunt Kathy. It's so funny, i was reading about transitioning kids to the new sibling and she was so not even interested. We try so hard as parents and kids still manage to rule the situation. But Ruby is very happy to be a big sister and she really likes him and thinks he's so cute. Ryder is a funny guy already he turns bright red from head to toe when he is upset. Then when you pick him up or calm him he changes back and he likes to look at things like he is really thinking about it, i always wonder what they are thinking!! He may have earned himself a nickname.......Red Ryder!!!
I managed to go home on Sunday, i probably should have stayed one more day, i am still very sore and not feeling very great. But i wanted to go home to my Rubes!!!
I could go on and on!!
Please continue to pray for my family friend.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Beautiful Butterfly Shirt in orange. Organic t shirt size 3t. The butterfly is light orange and accented with purple polka dot fabric, purple and green felt. Really cute

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Big Sis Lil Bro

These are my newest creations. Sibling Shirts so cute!

I hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful weather. It's been so nice yesterday and today. I wish i could enjoy it more but my feet are so scary!!! They hurt so bad, only 3 days to go!!!!
God Bless everyone and send prayers!!!

Monday, June 7, 2010

The countdown is on!!

Only 4 days til d-day. My baby will be delivered on Friday around 11:30 a.m., if i can keep him in until then!!! This has been a very rough few days, i am so unbelieveably swollen. My feet do not fit in any shoes. I can put them in stretchy flip flops for short periods of time, but the indents in my feet are ridiculous. I had my foot leaning on my other foot and it started tingling and it was losing feeling!! I guess that's why they call it barefoot and pregnant! I just don't feel very well and i can't wait til i'm done, but i wish i had more time too, you can never win!! I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend.

Please continue to pray for my dear sweet family friend, she really deserves a miracle.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

New Stuff!!

I hope everyone enjoyed the memorial day weekend. We had nice weather. Mine was ok, i got to spend lots of time w/ my girls, Ruby and Madison. My Madison is my goddaughter and she is getting so big. It is really nice seeing her play with Ruby. She is so nice and she is going to be an awesome big sister to her baby coming in August. I hope Rubes will always look up to her as she is such a sweet girl.
Everyone please send prayers my way, someone very dear to me is very ill and we need to send her all the prayers we can. She deserves a miracle.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

New Creations

Here are 2 of my latest creations: the flower is so pretty on a green organic onesie sz 0-3m. I love making flowers!18.00

The purple t shirt is really cute w the green apple bit by the worm. sz 3T 18.00

I hope everyone is having a nice week. I had a scare yesterday, i was having contractions so i went to the doc and they informed me that they were about 3-5 minutes apart. I felt them but not at that frequency and i am so not ready to have this baby. I must be really naive because it didn't even occur to me that the baby would come early, Ruby was 8 days late and i never thought she was coming out. I would have given anything to have her come early....or even on time. So to make a long story short i had to go to the hospital for 6 hours and they stopped the contractions. It was all because I was dehydrated!!! I can't even believe it.

Monday, May 24, 2010

New stuff at rubyryder.etsy

Pretty as a peacock size 3t organic t shirt 18.00

CUL8R alligator onesie sz 3-6m 16.00

Diaper cupcakes and a free washcloth lollipop 20.00
Very cute and virtually fat free.....only requires a little baby fat lol!

Hello everyone,

I hope you all had a great weekend!!! Mine was fine, just getting really tired. 36 weeks and 3 days....18 days til the arrival of my baby boy. Went to the doc and had to give more blood, who realizes that you have to give so much blood for a pregnancy?
Ruby is getting so big and even more challenging, she climbed out of her crib!!! Time for the big girl bed. It is so amazing watching her grow and mature and it just goes way too quick!! I really just wish i could freeze time or go back and relive a memory. I am sure everyone does. It's just not fair. Gonna go work on a new creation. Tutus coming soon!!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Free Blog Counter

My newest creations!!

These are my newest designs!! I am having a million ideas blazing through my mind at this point. Last week i had a hard time finding my inspiration. It's so weird how you can lose your inspiration. Now i just need to find more energy. 35 weeks pregnant and a 2.5 year old to chase after. And a super swollen left foot. I would post a picture but it might be considered too obscene!! I hope everyone had a nice weekend. Mine was ok just very busy, a wake, out to lunch and a play and that was just Friday!! I cooked my famous ribs on Sunday!! Here's the recipe:

3-4 lb of ribs (whichever type you prefer country or baby back)

BBQ sauce of your choice (i like stubbs, but this time i made homemade)

1. Preheat oven to 400. Season ribs generously on both sides. I use s&p, cumin, paprika, garlic, chili powder, onion powder, italian seasoning, or anything else you would use to season bbq food. The precooking allows the grease to stay in the pan and not on you ribs or your hips!!

2. Cook ribs 15 minutes on each side for a total of 30 minutes.

3. Transfer ribs to slow cooker and cover w/ bbq sauce and set to low and let cook for 4-6 hours until they fall off the bone.

Caution: The smell will be intoxicating!!!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Ruby in a little lady love bug organic tee and new hair clips

Welcome to my blog. This is my first shot so i hope it goes over well. My etsy shop is up and running. I have cute things for kids and i hope you will look at it.

Random things Ruby said: Why do we need a mouth to talk? It is always so funny to try to explain the why's in life to a 2 year old!! She is too funny. I hope she is still so inquisitive when she gets bigger. It's amazing how kids become jaded and we are not born that way. Kids truly look at the world with wide eyes that find everything awesome. They don't know what is "bad", "gross", "yucky", "mean" or any other of the negative things we see immediately when we look at things. I see a mud as something i don't want to touch, i don't want it to get on me, and i know it will make me dirty. Rubes sees it as squishy, fun and something cool to touch.

Just makes you wonder when the moment was when things lost their luster.

Looking at things through her eyes takes you back and we must cherish it as long as we can because it goes so quickly............